
Cape Town is weathered. The Western Cape is weathered. The Karoo is … weathered. South Africa … is … weathered.

It doesn’t matter how you look at it, my country is weathered. In large areas it is dry, barren.

In the southern parts of South Africa, actually, in the southern parts of Africa it is, we have the worst drought in years, the worst in nearly hundred years.

It doesn’t rain. The Theewaterskloof Dam looks like a desert, a moonscape. In Cape Town and surroundings they have very strict water restrictions, like 40 liter water per person per day. We fear that the water will be turned off, because there isn’t any water left.

It is not only the cities and towns that is weathered, the farms are weathered as well. Normally we feel a drought on the farms long before the cities feel it. People don’t have food for their animals anymore and have really bad losses.

Please pray for South Africa. Please pray for rain. And save water while there is still water to save.

South Africa is weathered. Really badly weathered.


Of ek die woord reg gebruik, betwyfel ek sterk, maar ons aarde is behoorlik afgetakel deur die weer.

17 thoughts on “Weathered

        1. Ons het ook maar ‘n filter vir drinkwater. As ons wel ons beplande huis gaan bou, gaan ons al ons dakwater opvang en dit gebruik. Ek glo dit is baie skoner as die munisipale water, selfs met hier en daar ‘n voëltjie op die dak.

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          1. Ons het ‘n reënwater tenk wat ons gebruik om die kruietuin aan die gang te hou wanneer dit “droog” is (dit wil sê, as ons vir drie dae nie reën gehad het nie, want hier verskroei die wind alles in ‘n dag). Ons gooi sommer een van die swembad se chloorkannetjies in die tenk so een keer ‘n maand vir ‘n dag of wat – die Natalse muskiete, jy weet *sug*

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