Farm sounds

The daily prompt: Sound.

Sound plays a very important role in my life. I played piano and guitar all my life, I react to sound.

When I think of evening sounds on the farm, I remember the sounds in the dairy as a child. The sound of the bucket when it is placed underneath a cow so that she can be milked. The voices of the milkers talking to each other and the cows’ ‘moo’ on a regular basis. The sound of the children, playing together.

When I take a walk in the evening, just before dawn, I hear the birds coming back for the night.

A flock of sheep graze near our home and also near our bedroom. Do you know the sound of ewes and their lambs, talking to each other, Mêêê.

And at the dam nearby lives geese.

And when the donkeys are nearby, you hear their sound as well.

The sound of me, walking bare feet on the wooden floor. 🙂


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