My dream for every woman

I just can’t talk enough, write enough about this wonderful book, written by Christine Caine. Unashamed. ‘Drop the baggage, pick up your freedom, fulfill your destiny.’

She writes that she wants every woman to live free from shame.

She wants women who are trying to balance the demands of modern living, to live in peace and joy.

She wants stay-at-home mothers to be proud of what they accomplish.

She wants women to know that the only image that will ultimately remain is the image of Christ within us.

Women who have been victims of violence and abuse must know that there is always hope, and that they can live again, truly live.

She dreams that women who are lonely, isolated, discover the power of love and community.

She wants unloved and devaluated women to discover that they are in Christ and be able to hold their heads up high and smile at the future.

She wants much more for women.


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13 thoughts on “My dream for every woman

  1. Yep, eendag het Ken ‘n snedige aanmerking oor my vorige “immoral” lewe gemaak. Hoe lekker om my kop te kon ophou en sê “Jy kannie daardie bordjie om my my nek hang nie, daardie vrou het saam met Jesus gesterf.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. En jy is VRY! Dis die groot gevaar: Onsself, en ander hang bordjies om ons nekke wat nie daat hoort nie en kns verdra dit, glo dit, leef daarvolgens. Ek voel om nog hieroor te skryf, hierdie jaar was ‘n vrymakende jaar vir my. Nog ‘n stukkie ui …


      1. Hier is die woorde van die lied wat ek kliphard speel en my hande in aanbidding ophou wanneer die aanvalle teen my kom. “You unravel me with a melody
        You surround me with a song
        Of deliverance from my enemies
        ‘Til all my fears are gone

        I’m no longer a slave to fear
        I am a child of God

        From my mother’s womb
        You have chosen me
        Love has called my name
        I’ve been born again
        Into your family
        Your blood flows through my veins

        I’m no longer a slave to fear
        I am a child of God

        I am surrounded
        By the arms of the father
        I am surrounded
        By songs of deliverance

        We’ve been liberated
        From our bondage
        We’re the sons and the daughters
        Let us sing our freedom

        You split the sea
        So I could walk right through it
        My fears were drowned in perfect love
        You rescued me
        And I could stand and sing
        I am a child of God…

        Liked by 1 person

      1. As Jesus jou vrygemaak het is jy waarlik vry. Ek is def nie van plan om daardie sware las weer op te neem en op my rug rond te dra, en so vir satan te plesier nie. I am no longer a slave to fear I am a child of God!!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Oor die pop en my oulike kleinkind. Daardie mannetjie is iets anders…. hy het ‘n vinnige sêding vir alles. My skoonseun is al skoon moedeloos en het hom belet om iets terug te sê wanneer hy hom berispe. Soos hy sê Ryno is so skerp dat skoonseun moet wegloop om nie uit te bars van die lag nie. So kom Ryno dan vryskot daarvan af.

    Liked by 1 person

Gesels saam, asseblief!